
Numbers and facts

"For what one has in black and white, one can carry home in comfort". We reverse the quote from Goethe's Faust. We say white on black and we like to let pictures and numbers speak for us. Short and sweet, we show you what an Oechsle year looks like in numbers. What impresses you more? That we process over 17,000 orders in one year or handle 561,467 kg of plastic granulate with our in-house injection molding machines? We move around 7,500 different articles and deliver 1,5 million parts.

Or do you find it more remarkable that our shipping department sends 31,792 shipments or that we make customers in 47 countries happy? In any case, it is a fact that our sales manager drank 600 cups of coffee out of the 22,300 cups of coffee made available free of charge throughout the company. How was your year? We look forward to a lot of numbers! 


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